Former Prosecutor specializing in Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Defense.
Criminal Defense Lawyer

Lakewood Sexual Assault Attorney

Charges of sexual assault, or any other sex crime, can lead to severe consequences if they result in a conviction. Offenders can face life in prison, loss of employment and professional licenses, and inclusion on the sex offender registry in Lakewood. Pleading guilty to a felony or a misdemeanor can, quite literally, destroy your life. It’s vital to your future to select a Lakewood criminal defense attorney who has experience in handling sex crime charges.

Given What Is At Stake, It Is Vital To Have An Experienced Attorney On Your Side

When charged with sexual assault or other sex offenses, you can rely on The Law Offices of Elaine E. Lukic. With 25 years of legal experience, attorney Elaine Lukic is dedicated exclusively to defending clients who have been charged with a crime.  She has significant experience representing clients facing charges for misdemeanor and felony sex offenses. This includes:

  • Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Minor (CRS 18-3-405.4) – Internet sexual exploitation of a minor occurs when you use a computer, phone, or other electronic device to communicate with someone you knew or believed was under 15 years old to expose or touch their or someone else’s private parts or see their private parts while communicating with them. 
  • Sexual Assault/Rape (CRS 18-3-402) – Sexual assault can be charged if you are accused of intruding or sexually penetrating an alleged victim by taking sexual advantage of them, using force, or having sex with someone who is not able to consent due to age or disability. 
  • Sexual Assault On A Child (CRS 18-3-405) – This is one of the most commonly charged sexual offenses in Colorado. It is charged when the accused subjects a child under 15 years of age to sexual contact when the accused is at least four years older than the child. 
  • Child Pornography – Colorado prohibits child pornography under a broad range of statutes, including sexual exploitation of a child, procurement of a child for sexual exploitation (CRS 18-6-404), and internet sexual exploitation of a child. Collectively, these laws prohibit causing, inducting, enticing, or allowing a child to engage in any explicit sexual conduct to make pornographic material. 
  • Juvenile Sexting (CRS 18-7-109) – Even if the person who has sexually explicit material of a minor is a minor themselves, they can still be charged with the crime of juvenile sexting. They can also face charges if they send sexually explicit materials of themselves to others.
  • Indecent Exposure (CRS 18-7-302) – You can be charged with indecent exposure if you expose your private parts in situations that are likely to offend or scare others. 
  • Prostitution Or Solicitation Of Prostitution (CRS 18-7-201) – Prostitution is illegal in Colorado. Either party can be charged in cases in which money or anything of value is exchanged for sex or sex acts. 

These are only a few of the sex crimes that are charged in Colorado. With offices in Lakewood, Colorado, and Summit County, Colorado, I help clients throughout the state who have been charged with unlawful sexual contact and other sex offenses.

You Deserve To Tell Your Side Of The Story

Everyone is entitled to defend themselves in court. I understand that the falsely accused and first-time offenders are often caught off guard and overwhelmed when charges are pressed against them. Simply being charged with a sex crime can sometimes be enough to derail careers and ruin reputations. That is why it is imperative to make sure that the judge hears what you have to say. As a former prosecutor, I know how to appeal to judges and prosecutors. I am tenacious in my pursuit of justice for my clients.

Protecting Your Freedom

In spite of what may look like long odds against overcoming accusations of sex crimes, there are a few standard tactics that can be effective in clearing your name. The first is to challenge the evidence. False accusations often stem from bitter divorces or relationships gone wrong. It is not uncommon for charges to be dropped due to a lack of evidence.

The other common defense tactics involve proving consent and mental incapacity. Questions of consent are often at the center of sex assault charges. While proving that the accuser consented can be very challenging, it typically results in an innocent verdict when successful. If you can prove that the accused’s decision-making ability was affected by mental incapacity, charges are often reduced or dropped altogether.

In Colorado, Minimum Penalties For Sex Offenses Cannot Be Negotiated

Most unlawful sexual contact statutes automatically include mandatory sentencing provisions. Regardless of what a district attorney or court would prefer to do, this term means that the minimum sentence imposed is not at the discretion of the court; it must be carried out as stated by the legislature in the statute and can’t be modified. This means that an experienced Lakewood sex crimes defense attorney is critical if you have been charged with a sex offense.

Psychiatric Treatment As A Condition Of Parole

Lakewood sex offenders are typically required to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and/or treatment as a condition of parole. The Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) has established guidelines for the evaluation, psychiatric treatment and counseling of sex offenders. If the SOMB deems it necessary, a court order is issued outlining the specific person or facility where the treatment/counseling will take place and the required frequency of sessions. Failure to attend court-ordered treatment is a violation of parole and may result in additional penalties.

The Purpose Behind Psychiatric Treatment

The SOMB’s stated goal for treatment is essentially the same as the goal of all treatment; to rehabilitate the sex offender and help them transition back into the general public. Sex offenders usually take part in group therapy. Some of the specific goals of this therapy include:

  • Encouraging the parolee to take responsibility for their actions
  • Cultivate empathy for their victim
  • Teaching social skills
  • Learning how to manage the emotions and urges that lead to sex offenses

Information That You Need About Sexual Assault Defense

Without a doubt, you have a lot of burning questions about the law, the charges against you and how to defend yourself from them. I can answer everything you need to know in plain, direct English. Below, I have answered some of the most common questions that I hear from prospective clients.

Do I need to register as a sex offender in Colorado when moving from out of state?

Yes. If you committed an offense that would have required you to register as a sex offender in Colorado, you must register as a sex offender when relocating from out-of-state.

What is the age of consent in Colorado? Is there a Romeo and Juliet law?

In Colorado, the age at which a minor is legally capable of giving consent is 17. Colorado does have a so-called Romeo and Juliet law in which minors who are at least 15 can give consent to have sex if their partner is less than a four-year age difference. 

What should I do if I’m accused of a sex crime?

If you are falsely accused of sexual assault, it can be a frightening experience. You may face immediate consequences with your job and social status. It can be easy to get emotional about the situation or to want to try to explain the situation away. However, it’s vital to stay calm if you are facing charges of this nature. Sex crimes are heavily prosecuted and can result in some of the stiffest penalties in the state, so it is important to know what to do after being charged with sexual assault

Avoid talking to friends, co-workers, or the police about the charges. Instead, reach out immediately to an experienced sex crimes lawyer. Refuse any requests for polygraph testing and ask to speak to your lawyer if you are questioned by police.  

I have over 25 years of experience handling these cases. I know how to investigate them, build a tailored defense, and attack the prosecution’s case against you. I can exploit any weaknesses in the state’s case and work hard to minimize or eliminate the consequences of a conviction. You can rely on my extensive knowledge of the law and skill in the courtroom during this critical time in your life. 

Fight Against Sexual Assault Charges

As your Lakewood sexual assault defense lawyer, my first priority is to get the charges against you dropped. If this is not possible in your case, I will fight vigorously on your behalf for an acquittal and trial. However, if you are found guilty, my goals are to reduce the charges, minimize the penalties, and avoid sex offender registry.

I have a long track record of success in getting both dismissals and acquittals, and I will be a strong advocate for you at every step. Call me directly at (303) 809-3425 for a confidential telephone consultation. Or send an online message using the form on this website. I personally and promptly return all messages.