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How serious is the crime of looting?

Looting is always a problem after a major natural disaster, Some people suddenly think that the normal laws regarding property and ownership stop applying and that anything that’s available can simply be taken. Various cities around the country are taking a new, tougher approach to looters these days. Since Florida is likely to be hit…

Falsely accused of domestic violence? Do this now

Once that 911 call has been made alleging domestic violence, the odds are good that someone is going to get arrested. If that someone is likely to be you, even though you know the claim is a lie, this is what you need to do: Sit down and remain silent Running from the scene won’t…

Don’t rely on the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law without legal advice

In some states, you’re obligated to try to retreat from a fight if you can — with the usual exception that you aren’t expected to flee your own home rather than defend yourself. In Florida, the “Stand Your Ground” law allows people the right to fight — or even use deadly force — rather than…