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Effectively fighting charges of drug possession

Florida readers who are currently facing drug charges of any kind likely feel overwhelmed and frightened by their circumstances. Even if you believe the charges are baseless, your situation is still grave, and there is much at stake. You would be prudent, no matter the circumstances of your case, to work on a defense strategy…

Driver accused of causing fatal collision after drinking

No one wants to hurt another person. Sometimes, accidents happen. You may not have realized how much you had to drink before driving, or perhaps you tested your breath and were under the limit before you got behind the wheel. Every case is different, but when lives are lost, the trouble you could face increases…

Diversion programs help prevent criminal records

If you get into trouble with the law, you probably think immediately that you’ll go to trial and face a penalty. The court system is a little more complicated than that, and there are now many diversion programs you may be able to use to avoid a criminal record or to reduce the penalties against…