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DUIs have long-term consequences that threaten your future

There are many administrative penalties for DUIs, but perhaps more damaging are the penalties that don’t come from the law. After a DUI, the charges and potential conviction aren’t the only issues you could run into. It’s important to defend yourself against a DUI because of the damage it can do to your reputation. Here…

How does domestic violence or accusations affect children?

Domestic violence has a serious effect on children. Even more serious is the effect an unwarranted accusation of domestic violence could have on your life and your children. Imagine them being told that you’ve done horrible things to their other parent or that they themselves have been victimized without knowing it. Children are impressionable, and…

Getting pulled over? Know your rights

You were driving a little recklessly, and you were aware of it. You had too much to drink, but you didn’t want to stop. Now, you’re seeing flashing lights in your mirror and know you’ve been caught. If you’re pulled over, you need to know your rights. Taking the right steps now could prevent an…