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Cyberstalking: a real crime with very real consequences

Technology and the way that computer use plays into everyday life has led to a dramatic increase in the amount of criminal activity that takes place online. Florida readers may mistakenly believe that, if something happens online, it will not necessarily translate into real life. If you face charges of cyberstalking — an internet crime,…

Is a plea bargain a good idea?

Plea bargaining is a process in which the prosecution and defense work out a deal. Instead of facing the harshest penalties and going to trial, a person who works out a plea deal may agree to a lesser punishment in exchange for information or for pleading guilty. Defendants can save themselves much trouble by agreeing…

Outdated, unusual laws can catch you off-guard

If you’re accused of a crime, it’s devastating at the best of times. What’s even worse is if it’s a charge for something you didn’t know was a law or if the law is outdated. For instance, Florida has a very outdated law that makes it illegal to amble or stroll. It’s actually a misdemeanor…