Modern homes are increasingly wired for control through smartphone apps and voice-controlled systems like Siri and Alexa. Lights, television sets, air conditioners, thermostats, security systems and even the locks on the door are all possibly connected. As a result, domestic violence experts say there’s been a distinct uptick in the number of victims who have…
A conviction for any type of weapons charge can have a significant impact on the rest of your life. Florida laws regarding the lawful use of weapons and gun violations are complex and strict, and it is in your interests to take any weapon-related allegations against you seriously. This includes concealed weapons charges. State laws…
We hear the terms “misdemeanor” and “felony” used regarding crimes, and we know that felonies are serious offenses that can land people in prison. But don’t take misdemeanors lightly. While less serious than felonies, misdemeanors still can lead to fines and time in county jails. Also, misdemeanor convictions can have serious impacts on future employment…