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Consult an attorney immediately if accused of domestic violence

Domestic violence is a serious crime, and no one deserves to be a victim. However, sometimes, people can find themselves accused of domestic violence – perhaps by an angry former partner who wants revenge for a breakup, for example – but those allegations can have a lasting impact. Once you’re linked to domestic violence, it…

Man contends Florida police didn’t have right to search car

A Miami man says police had no legal right to search his vehicle in May 2018 once they smelled the scent of marijuana. His side said now that marijuana is legal for a limited, but growing, number of Floridians, the smell of marijuana isn’t a telltale sign of unlawful behavior. The 24-year-old man, however, doesn’t…

Parents have major role in keeping kids off drugs

As a parent, you want to make sure that your children avoid the worst of life’s pitfalls. The thought of your child abusing drugs is unfathomable to you, but you are also realistic about the temptations kids face today. Parents can steer kids away from dabbling in drugs, but they have to be armed with…