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How to find a job with a criminal record

Getting back into the working world following a criminal conviction can be very difficult and stressful. You need to work, you want to work, and you likely know in the back of your head that it will be challenging to do so. It might even feel impossible to secure employment. Here are some tips for…

Do you know what it means to face felony charges?

If you are facing any type of criminal charge, you probably feel overwhelmed and confused. What did you do to find yourself in this situation? What should you do next? Is it possible to fight these charges? These are just a few questions you may have after an arrest in Florida and the filing of…

Domestic violence allegations are sometimes a tactical move

There’s no question that domestic violence is a real problem, with real victims. Those victims deserve a great deal of empathy and assistance. Unfortunately, false domestic violence allegations also happen. While not the norm, false allegations are sometimes a cynical and calculated move on the part of one spouse against the other during a divorce….