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Implementing drug rehabilitation to prevent drug use

When people have been charged with drug-related crimes in Colorado, depending on their involvement and the circumstances surrounding their charges, they may be required to undergo some type of drug rehabilitation program. Even if not required as part of legal repercussions, people who have been involved in drugs can benefit from participating in drug rehab….

Colorado wage-theft allegations may now lead to felony charges

Colorado’s new HB19-1267 law went into effect on January 1, 2020, making it a felony offense to engage in wage theft. Before the law’s passage, employers alleged to have paid workers less than the federal minimum wage per hour faced a misdemeanor charge. To increase the penalties and punishment, lawmakers passed House Bill 19-1267 to…

Pay attention to minor details in a drunk driving case

If you are attempting to figure out how to address a drunk driving case and protect your future, you have a lot on your plate. At the Law Offices of Elaine E. Lukic, we understand the various pressures that people in Colorado face when charged with driving under the influence. Moreover, there is a lot to…