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How can I reinstate my license quickly?

Drunk driving laws in all 50 states are severe, and there is a good reason for this. Millions of Americans get behind the wheel of a car every single day, and a single drunk driver can do a lot of damage. However, if you have a drunk driving conviction, you may find yourself in a…

What should you do if served with a protection order?

An accusation of domestic violence may end up hitting you like a ton of bricks. What can be even more disheartening is learning of such a charge by being served with a protective order. Like many people in Lakewood, you may hear the term “protection order” and immediately equate it with a restraining order. While…

Cyberbullying may leave your child with a criminal record

In Colorado and across the country, children grow up differently than they did in the past. Nowadays, kids have access to the internet, electronic devices and social media. If your son or daughter engages in cyberbullying, however, he or she may end up with a criminal record that lasts a lifetime.  Cyberbullying is illegal in…