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Why the War on Drugs doesn’t work

President Nixon’s so-called “War on Drugs” was touted, before he was forced to resign from office over the Watergate scandal, as a way to keep people from making, selling or using drugs. It essentially just meant making the laws strict and stepping up enforcement efforts for drug offenses. It has not worked. Some have called…

Judge faces jail time in Colorado DUI case after violating probation

Drunk driving is a serious crime, and Colorado treats it as such – no matter who the defendant is. Now, a judge in the southeastern part of the state faces a jail sentence after her second arrest on driving under the influence charges in two years. The judge, who is a 62-year-old woman, was appointed…

Can you sell marijuana in Colorado?

For decades, marijuana was illegal in Colorado, just as it was in the rest of the United States. Many people were arrested for selling it or using it recreationally. Others were arrested for growing, distributing or trafficking this illegal drug.  However, some of that has now changed. Colorado allows people to own a small amount…