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Borrowed a car? Make sure you have written permission

Did you know that taking someone else’s property without their consent could lead to serious charges in Colorado? You could face a misdemeanor if the property is valued between $50 and $2,000, or you could face a felony charge if it’s over that amount. If you ask a friend or an acquaintance to borrow something…

Avoiding self-incrimination before, during and after an arrest

Facing an investigation or an arrest is frightening, especially if it is your first time through the justice system. The things you say and do while under investigation or during an arrest can improve your situation or make it worse. As you may know, in the American system of justice, you are innocent until a…

Why does a minor crime suddenly result in a felony charge?

You might recognize that you made a bad decision prior to your arrest. Maybe you agreed to hold something for your friends and didn’t realize that there were drugs inside. Perhaps you had too much to drink and let someone at the bar goad you into an argument. You know that you might have committed…