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How domestic violence charges can impact your child custody arrangements

When it comes to child custody cases, courts always focus on what is in the child’s best interest. Family law judges tend to view domestic violence accusations similarly to convictions. The court may use such allegations against you in an emergency custody hearing, even though nothing is yet proven. A conviction on domestic violence charges…

Are you aware that it’s unlawful for convicted defendants to possess firearms?

Having a criminal conviction on your record or pending domestic violence charges against you can impact your life on multiple levels. One way in which it can is limiting your ability to possess a firearm.  The 1968 Gun Control Act codified at 18 U.S.C. § 921 et seq permanently bars many individuals with criminal records…

Can you be arrested for a DUI if you’re under the limit in Colorado?

In Colorado, the legal limit for driving after drinking is .08%. At a .08% blood alcohol concentration, the state automatically assumes that you are too impaired to drive safely. This is the per se limit, which means that the police or authorities need no other evidence to show your impairment. Colorado has two different kinds…