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Can you carry a gun in your car in Colorado?

You want to carry a gun for your protection, and it makes you feel safe. However, you also don’t want to get yourself into any situations where you accidentally break the law in the way that you transport this firearm. Specifically, what you’re wondering about is if you can have the gun in the car…

An Overview of Self-Incrimination

Perhaps you’ve heard the term “I plead the fifth” in passing and gone on not to give it a second thought. You would not be alone in this instance. But what does this term mean and does it apply to real criminal cases? In a criminal case, it is up to the prosecution to offer…

Will my child get financial aid after a juvenile conviction?

After the police broke up a party that involved your child, you learned they were arrested for underage drinking. Other people at the party identified your child, so it will be difficult to get the charges dismissed. Your child is a young teenager, which means they are curious about the world. You try to protect…