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An overview of domestic violence charges in Colorado

You and your spouse are having a rather loud argument. Your neighbor calls the police to complain and the police show up at your door. They charge you with disturbing the peace. Then, one of the detectives speaks to your spouse because he notices their black eye. The detective suspects things got physical and adds…

Possessing stolen property: What to do if you get caught

It is against the law to possess stolen property, but not everyone knows that they are in possession of something that someone else is looking for. Unfortunately, the penalties for possessing something that has been stolen could be as serious as 15 years of probation to 15 years in prison. You could also face up…

Can a DUI hurt your job prospects? 

It is important to tackle any misconceptions about DUI charges not being serious. The reality is that the state of Colorado takes impaired driving very seriously.  A DUI conviction could see you facing hefty fines and even prison sentences in extreme cases or after multiple convictions. There are also many other factors to consider. The…