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Do the police have to be honest with you?

The police bring you in for questioning or an interrogation after an arrest. They ask you if you’d be willing to answer some questions, and you agree to it even though you don’t have your lawyer present. You assume that everything that the police tell you is going to be true. But does it actually…

Does it help to buy your own breath test?

You don’t want to get a DUI. You do still want to have a drink with dinner or go out for drinks with your friends. You just want to make sure that your BAC is under the legal limit.  What you decide is to purchase your own breath test. You find it on Amazon and…

Is there a bench warrant out for your arrest?

You just received a notice from the court in your mailbox. You open it up, only to find out that there is a bench warrant out for your arrest. You try to think of a reason for the warrant, but you don’t come up with anything. Your heart begins to race, Chances are if there…