Recreational marijuana may be legal in Colorado now, as it is in some other states, but that doesn’t mean that it’s legal to drive after getting high. This can still lead to impaired driving charges, just as if you had consumed too much alcohol before getting behind the wheel. That being said, simply testing positive…
Nowadays, particularly in populated towns and cities, you are likely to be captured on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) every few seconds when moving around. In fact, in Denver alone, there are over 12,000 CCTV cameras in action. These systems are put in place to protect the public from crime, and they often work well. However,…
Would you know what to do if the cops got called out on a noise complaint at your house party? You should, because the repercussions from not understanding your Constitutional rights can reverberate across all aspects of your life – now, and in the future. One student in Boulder didn’t and suffered the consequences. Below…