If you’ve been charged with complicity, that means the police believe that you somehow aided a criminal act. No matter how small you think your part in the crime actually was, accomplice liability is no small issue — you can end up doing just as much time behind bars as the person who actually committed…
Believe it or not, arrest can be the best thing that happens to someone with a drug addiction. This is why: 1. An arrest can be a wake-up call to both the addict and the addict’s family. Addicts not only often fool family members, but they frequently fool themselves into believing that their addiction isn’t…
A lot of people arrested on charges of domestic violence suddenly find themselves facing something even more serious: charges of kidnapping. How does one turn into the other? Under Florida’s laws, kidnapping is defined as holding someone against his or her will, without legal authority to do so, through force, threats, abduction or imprisonment. In…