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What happens if charged with stalking in Florida

If you are facing charges of stalking in Florida, you may not be sure what you are up against. Conviction of criminal charges of any kind can lead to serious consequences, such as time behind bars and other life-altering penalties. Stalking is a serious allegation, and you would be wise to take immediate action to…

Accused of domestic violence? Get a Florida attorney on your side

You’ve been accused of domestic violence, and you know you didn’t do anything wrong. You’re justified in feeling scared. You could lose your job, your home and your kids – and you could wind up in jail. So, what happens from here? If you really didn’t do anything wrong, prosecutors likely will drop the case….

What is an aggravated felony in Florida?

If convicted of an aggravated felony, an immigrant in Florida and throughout the nation can face some of the most severe punishments possible. A conviction on an aggravated felony charge, either state or federal, can cause someone to be deported and barred from almost all waivers or relief that could stop deportation. There are some…