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Aggravated assault a serious charge in Florida

The word “assault” conjures up images of a punch in the stomach or a slap across the face. Aggravated assault, however, is much more serious than that. In Florida, it can be a serious crime, depending on several factors that include whether a weapon was used, the intent of the person committing the assault or…

Fighting for the right to keep your driver’s license after a DUI

You made the mistake that many Florida drivers before you made — you got into your vehicle after you had a couple of drinks and headed home. You didn’t feel drunk; you just felt relaxed. Perhaps your relaxed state caused whatever driving behavior drew the attention of the police officer who pulled you over that…

Florida middle schooler arrested on drug charges

A 12-year-old was arrested on criminal charges recently after he gave marijuana-laced gummies to kids in his gym class, according to the sheriff in Polk County. The boy, a middle-school student, gave blocks of the gummies larger than the usual dosage to fellow seventh graders, the sheriff said. As a result, five of the six…