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The problem with polygraph tests

The polygraph, or lie detector test, is a controversial tool law enforcement uses to assess honesty. But how accurate are these tests and do they unfairly target certain groups of people? We’ll take a closer look at the science behind polygraphs and their potential impact on those who take them. They’re inaccurate and biased Polygraph…

What are the classes of felony theft in Colorado?

Being charged with theft results in penalties, fines, and jail terms. In Colorado, several situations can be defined as theft, including retaining a valuable thing for more than 72 hours after the agreed-upon time for return. To understand your options if you are accused of theft, contact a Lakewood theft and burglary attorney. If you…

3 times you could challenge the evidence against you in court

State prosecutors usually take on only the cases that they believe they can win. That means that there is enough evidence available to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that somebody violated the law.  Those hoping to defend themselves against pending criminal charges have several rights that they can make use of while preparing…