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Where are the flaws in blood alcohol tests?

Sometimes officers in Colorado will pull aside random drivers in routine traffic stops. If an officer believes you may be under the influence, they can use tests to determine your blood alcohol content (BAC) level. Today, we will look at blood alcohol testing and how accurate it is. The National Institutes of Health compares different…

How eye movement can demonstrate impairment

Law enforcement uses standardized field sobriety tests all across the U.S. to assess driver impairment due to drugs and/or alcohol. This means that wherever you go in the country, if you get pulled over for possible DUI and the officer chooses to administer FSTs, you will undergo the same three tests. In addition to the…

How a DUI conviction can wreck your career

If you face DUI charges in Colorado, you should take these charges very seriously. You need a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney who will do everything possible to see to it that you do not receive a conviction. After all, a DUI conviction will not only subject you to the possibility of spending time in prison,…