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What happens if you get a DUI in Florida?

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is hazardous to your health and to those on the roads. Florida’s laws state that a DUI is an offense where your impairment can be proved by showing that your normal faculties are impaired or that you have an unlawful blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The legal limit…

Can Florida police search your car at a DUI checkpoint?

You’re driving along on a beautiful, summer evening in Florida, and as you look ahead on the road, you realize there’s only one thing keeping you from getting home from the nightclub: a police roadblock. You’re unsure of the reason for the stop, but begin to feel nervous even before you come in contact with…

Do not let a DUI end your professional driving career

If you drive a truck or any other commercial vehicle for a living, a conviction on an impaired driving charge could suspend or end your career. In Florida, there are many good people who support themselves and their families by driving commercial vehicles, even though the work and hours are less than ideal. Do not…