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Where does a defense attorney start with a domestic abuse charge?

If you’ve been charged with domestic violence, you may feel like it’s simply a case of your word against that of your alleged victim — especially if the responding officers arrested you without giving you much of a chance to explain your side. Your defense attorney probably has an entirely different perspective, however, and sees…

Domestic violence cases and mitigating factors

Does a domestic batterer ever deserve sympathy? That’s a hard question to ask and a harder one to answer — but attorneys who advocate for the rights of those charged with domestic violence often ask the court to look on a batterer with both sympathy and compassion — and to translate those feelings into a…

Is legal change good or bad for domestic violence cases?

Florida is set to become the first state in the country to change the way criminal defense works when a “Stand Your Ground” law is invoked by a defendant. Right now, if a defendant claims that he or she killed someone in self-defense, the burden rests on that defendant to make his or her case….