The criminal justice system looks much different now than it did in past eras. Plea bargains, for example, have been around in some form since the 1600s, but they are more prevalent than ever in the 21st century. Today, plea bargains are deemed necessary to relieve overburdened court systems in all American states. These deals…
Since the 1970s, law enforcement has relied on sting operations to arrest those who break the law. They can target any suspected criminal activity in a sting: drug dealing, internet luring, selling stolen goods, prostitution and many more. For those looking to make large-scale arrests, the possibilities are nearly endless. Those arrested during a sting…
Make believe, or pretend, is a game for children, but some adults are tempted to play the game, too. However, if you impersonate someone or pretend to be another and benefit from the impersonation, you will face felony charges. The criminal impersonation of another person is a Class 6 felony in Colorado. A conviction for…