We hear the terms “misdemeanor” and “felony” used regarding crimes, and we know that felonies are serious offenses that can land people in prison. But don’t take misdemeanors lightly. While less serious than felonies, misdemeanors still can lead to fines and time in county jails. Also, misdemeanor convictions can have serious impacts on future employment…
You’ve been accused of domestic violence, and you know you didn’t do anything wrong. You’re justified in feeling scared. You could lose your job, your home and your kids – and you could wind up in jail. So, what happens from here? If you really didn’t do anything wrong, prosecutors likely will drop the case….
You never expected your child to get arrested, but then you got the phone call. Now you’re just asking yourself how and why this could have happened. What factors pushed your child to break the law? While every case is unique, of course, experts have identified numerous potential risk factors that can increase the likelihood…