In Colorado and across the country, children grow up differently than they did in the past. Nowadays, kids have access to the internet, electronic devices and social media. If your son or daughter engages in cyberbullying, however, he or she may end up with a criminal record that lasts a lifetime. Cyberbullying is illegal in…
Colorado takes stalking extremely seriously, and if you are currently facing stalking charges, you may have valid concerns about the penalties you could potentially face if convicted. While a stalking charge could lead to a felony conviction that could impact numerous aspects of your life, a harassment charge may, instead, lead to a misdemeanor. Just…
Colorado’s new HB19-1267 law went into effect on January 1, 2020, making it a felony offense to engage in wage theft. Before the law’s passage, employers alleged to have paid workers less than the federal minimum wage per hour faced a misdemeanor charge. To increase the penalties and punishment, lawmakers passed House Bill 19-1267 to…