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You can defend against drug charges

As someone who is accused of a crime, it’s in your best interests to move quickly and develop a solid defense explaining your actions. Every case is different, which is why it’s wise to work with someone who understands the ins and outs of the law along with how the specifics of your case could…

How does drinking affect the body?

You went out for drinks and had a great time with your friends, but one thing you didn’t expect was to run into the issue of drunk driving. You planned to take a taxi or ride-sharing service home if you drank too much, but a friend said you seemed fine enough to drive. In your…

Everyday people could commit felonies unknowingly

Although many people think they’ve never committed a crime, the reality is that some are easy to commit given the chance. Did you know that there is a possibility that you’ve committed a felony without even knowing it? It’s true. Even some seemingly ordinary activities could result in felony charges. These charges could change your…