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Man killed in DUI crash; driver faces 21 years in prison

There is no worse tragedy than the loss of life, no matter who it is. It is particularly difficult to find out about those who are getting married ending up in life-ending collisions, because they were just starting their lives with their loved ones. The saddest part about traffic accidents is that most of them…

Improper use of medical marijuana is no small matter

Medical marijuana is now legal in Florida, which is great news for individuals with certain medical conditions. By passing this law, people now have access to something that will allow them to experience less pain and fewer complications when dealing with certain ailments and disabling issues. However, medical marijuana is not easy to get, and…

Who can be accused of terroristic threats?

Terroristic threats might seem like something that only happens outside the United States, but they are common here as well. Making a threat of terrorism can be anything from threatening to bomb a local school to suggesting you’d be willing to open fire on a local church group. The point of terrorism is to intimidate…