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Can Florida police search your car at a DUI checkpoint?

You’re driving along on a beautiful, summer evening in Florida, and as you look ahead on the road, you realize there’s only one thing keeping you from getting home from the nightclub: a police roadblock. You’re unsure of the reason for the stop, but begin to feel nervous even before you come in contact with…

Autism and stalking: When to get an attorney involved

Stalking charges can often start with a simple misunderstanding — particularly when someone with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is involved. People with autism spectrum disorders often have trouble picking up on the ordinary social cues that other people take for granted. A polite smile, for example, can be mistaken by the person with an…

How to deal with a warrant for your arrest

Having an outstanding warrant for your arrest is something that can weigh you down and keep you looking over your shoulder constantly. So, what choice do you have in order to deal with this issue — aside from hiding under your bed sheets for the foreseeable future? It may depend on what type of warrant…