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Don’t let a drug paraphernalia charge scare you

Possession of drug paraphernalia is a crime unlike any other — you are essentially charged with a crime for merely owning something that might be used to get drugs into your system. It doesn’t matter if you have any drugs in your possession or have ever even used drugs — simply owning the objects themselves…

What’s the quickest way to damage your own defense?

What’s the easiest way to damage your chances for a good criminal defense? If you answered something like, “Talk to the police without an attorney present,” you’re a little behind the times. These days, an amazing number of people damage their own criminal defense cases by not disconnecting from social media when they should —…

Withhold of adjudication in Florida: Is it a good or bad thing?

The state of Florida actually has a unique provision in its laws that doesn’t exist in other states: A judge can, under certain circumstances, withhold adjudication. If this option has been offered to you, you should understand what it means and what collateral effects it may have elsewhere in your life before you agree. What…