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Domestic violence cases and mitigating factors

Does a domestic batterer ever deserve sympathy? That’s a hard question to ask and a harder one to answer — but attorneys who advocate for the rights of those charged with domestic violence often ask the court to look on a batterer with both sympathy and compassion — and to translate those feelings into a…

Your concealed weapons permit might not keep you out of trouble

When you received your concealed weapons permit, did you read the fine print? Many circumstances exist that prohibit you from carrying a concealed weapon despite your permit. In addition, your permit doesn’t necessarily give you the right to use your weapon without restriction. Florida takes carrying a weapon seriously. One of the state’s primary duties…

Learn from the mistakes of others when dealing with the police

It’s important to learn from the mistakes of the others, especially when those lessons could prevent you from a critically damaged reputation and a possible jail sentence. For example, golf legend Tiger Woods recently made headlines when he was found asleep behind the wheel of his car. The car was pulled over at the side…